Parade/Picnic this Weekend and Remembering Rusty Schuetz
It’s almost here! The independence Day parade and picnic. This year’s theme is Super Heroes. The parade starts at noon at the schoolhouse. Picnic to follow.
The picnic will have free hot dogs and drinks. There will also be a raffle to benefit the Graniteville Volunteer Fire Dept. and live Bluegrass music. Side dishes and desserts are welcome.
We recently lost a true hero of Graniteville, Rusty Schuetz passed away after a long illness. There’s no better way to celebrate Rusty’s life than to be in Graniteville for the 4th. Rusty was the original founder of the very first parade in 1995. Wear something red in his honor. Rusty was bigger than life, there was no one quite like him, and his heart and smile will live on in all of us.

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