Graniteville, California

A historic mining town in the Sierra Nevada mountains

Nature Pictures

These photographs are courtesy of Barbara Vanderschoot.


2 Responses to “Nature Pictures”

  1. susan potter says:

    Dear Janis and readers
    I am the niece of Lewis P Harper,who was married to Barbara,I understand that they were residents of Graniteville until their deaths in 1997 and 2008 respectively.
    We have only just learned of his death – the family were estranged due to them being split up at an early age in different institutions (their mother was chronically sick and their father was on active service in the royal navy.)
    My mother Patricia Smith nee Harper last saw Lewis in 1954, but after that heard nothing of him. She is still alive (87years old now) and never stopped loving or thinking about him.
    We wonder if anyone has any photos of Barbara and/ or Lewis or any information which they would be willing to share with us to give us some insight into his life? We live in Plymouth, Devon UK, though the family hailed from Probus, Cornwall originally
    We would love to hear from anyone who could help – I can be contacted by email
    With thanks for your kind consideration.
    Kind regards
    Sue Potter

  2. Janis Bishop says:

    Hello Sue:
    I sent you an email with more details – delightful to hear from you. Lew and Barb were both loved members of Graniteville. I’ll let others know you are interested in hearing more and I’ll look for pictures as well and post them on the web page.