In Memorium – Jim Hickey
Graniteville lost one of its long time residents when Jim Hickey passed away on 12/6/17 at the age of 90. He originally came to Graniteville in the early 1970’s with Felix Vanderschoot and other Napa County employees. He and his wife Virginia purchased the “Cline House” in 1977. Together with John Cape, he helped the town purchase the School House and organize the Graniteville Community Services Organization (GCSA). The Cline House remains in his family and he came each year to participate in the 4th of July parade and fly his special Eagle Flag. Flying his flag was something he learned from his time in the Navy in World War 2. Whenever the Captain was on board, a special flag was flown to show that “the Captain is in the roost”. Dad always flew his flag when he was in his beloved home in Graniteville and we will fly it in his memory.